User List view cannot be accessed

I am facing issue in accessing the user list page in my machine and it throws 500 error and says
user has no user options.

django.contrib.auth.models.User.user_options.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: User has no user_options.

What is the Mayan version?

How was Mayan installed, what installation method?

Does this happen with your user account only or with any other account like the superadmin?

Did you create the user from the UI or the API?

Mayan version 4.4.7

With admin login I am facing the same issue.

When I try to access the list page the error occurs.

  • How was Mayan installed, what installation method?
  • Was this a new installation or an upgrade?
  • Did you create the user from the UI, the API, the model, or the database via SQL?

Through Docker installation
No installation and update just the version I’m using for long days.
I created the user via UI