Support: Mayan fails to run

Dear team:

Installed the official Mayan but it will not run well. Locks up when loading new documents.

Please help!


Please provide more information to be able to help you.

For what version of Mayan is this issue?
What installation method did you use?
Please provide the output of Docker Compose the moment the issue happens.

docker compose logs -f

Please note that this is a community forum. For support requests use the support ticketing system if you have a support subscription.

Thank you for your timely response.

Version: latest
installation: official mayan

I don’t knwo what is docker compose logs -f

kindly assist in solving this software bug.


Please post the installation instructions you used.

Thank you for your timely response.

How to use support ticket?

Codes are here –

I was expecting a professional software and not with simple errors!?!

kindly assist in solving this software bug.


This is not a software bug, your installation is incorrect.

This is not the official method of installation.

The installation is not specifying a version of Mayan:

pip install mayan-edms

which means the latest version will be used. However the commands don’t match the latest version: initialsetup

this command has changed and is now different.

This is installing a development deployment of an unknown version with incorrect commands on an old version of Ubuntu from 2020 with background tasks disable and using SQLite at the database.

This installation is wrong/obsolete in multiple levels and will not perform adequately even if it booted up.

Please use the official installation method:

Thank you for your timely response.

How to use support ticket?

if not bug how to fix the install mayan?

kindly assist.


Kindly reminder

pleas help ASAP to discuss in details

Kindly reminder

please assist ASAP

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