Hi Everyone! After many years as a fellow user of Mayan, I got stuck after upgrading my direct-install to 4.6.1
Django seems to work fine, the web interfaces shows up without any problem, but my sources where all screwed up. I deleted all of them and set up them again from scratch, when i click the test button no error appears, but nevertheless no document is pulled from the watch folder.
I tried to debug myself the problem, but all the logs in /var/log/supervisor seems ok, and I am not really sure where to look otherwise… any help?
which worked fine untile the last part where it dropped me the following error:
mayan.apps.backends.model_mixins <13073> [ERROR] "get_backend_class() line 50 ImportError while importing backend: mayan.apps.sources.source_backends.SourceBackendWebForm; Module "mayan.apps.sources.source_backends" does not define a "SourceBackendWebForm" attribute/class"
mayan.apps.backends.model_mixins <13073> [ERROR] "get_backend_class() line 50 ImportError while importing backend: mayan.apps.sources.source_backends.SourceBackendIMAPEmail; Module "mayan.apps.sources.source_backends" does not define a "SourceBackendIMAPEmail" attribute/class"
mayan.apps.backends.model_mixins <13073> [ERROR] "get_backend_class() line 50 ImportError while importing backend: mayan.apps.sources.source_backends.SourceBackendWatchFolder; Module "mayan.apps.sources.source_backends" does not define a "SourceBackendWatchFolder" attribute/class"
At least it’s something to start working on… any clues?