Hi all,
since I’ve upgraded my system to 4.9, one of my source directories is not working properly any more. I hav set up two directories, Scan-Input and Invoice-Input. They are set up the very same way, and were working the very same way, except that invoice-Input was categorized as invoice.
Since I’ve upgraded, Scan-Input is working as before, Invoice-Input gets processed but the documents do not appear in the system. The error log is empty also.
Does anyone knows what to do?
Thank you,
What type of source are you using: staging folder, stating source, watch folder, watch source?
What happens when you use the source test button?
I realised that I don’t get documents loaded from pop3 sources. Could not check yet if the mails are still there or if they are received by Mayan but not imported. Nothing in the source error logs.
I am using a watch folder.
If I use the test button, basically nothing happens. No new file, no error, nothing.
Answering to myself: the mails are downloaded but the documents are not imported 
I opened the sources definition and saved it again without any changes. This seems to have solved the problem.
Edit: Unfortunately this only worked for one of my sources. With another pop3 source it is still the same. Documents don’t get imported but are deleted from the Mail Server.
Finally figured it out: the sources no longer import documents when they are set on „decompress“ „always“ (I don’t know the actual wording in English, in German it says „Entpacken“ „immer“).
I haven’t tested if these sources would still import zip files but they definitely no longer import pdf files. Setting this to „never“ makes the import work again.
That fixed it for me as well. Thanks for the finding.