Search only show 10 documents


Is there any reason that the search in Mayan only show 10 documents at most? I just setup a brand new Mayan EDMS instance, from official 4.83 docker image without any modification. Upload total of 19 documents. No matter how I search (basic search with keyword, or advance search default document type) it will only show 10 documents even though I know all 19 documents should show up. As I didn’t change any settings at all, “SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT” is default number 1000.


I have the same issue using Woosh.

Have tried the suggestions in the issue Search limited to 10 results, e.g. multi-container, reindexing, etc., but nothing did work. Maximum 10 results displayed.

Not sure is it related, but looks like whoosh search by default only return 10 documents unless ask for more:

I’ve since changed to elastic search, which works much better than whoosh.

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I seem to be having this issue as well,


Looking at the code it does not appear we are setting the page limit. It might be the case that since the Whoosh backend is not as performant as ElasticSearch the decision was made to leave it on the default 10 entries.

I’m will follow up on this issue and see if it is possible to increase the limit without affecting compatibility.

Got the same problem. I updated from 4.4.8 to 4.8.2. Now the search does only show 10 results, irrelevant what I’m typing in.

Fix for this has been merged and will be included in version 4.9. Afterward it will be backported to series 4.8.


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