Roberto Rosario/Mayan EDMS at our event


I’m posting here because I haven’t gotten any responses over repeated email and social media attempts.

I’m part of the organization committee of the annual Florida Technology Solutions Summit. We would like to host Roberto Rosario as the keynote speaker of our event’s 2024 edition. We believe his contributions to free software, gov tech and bio hacking have left a large footprint that has gone mostly unrecognized. It would be of great benefit to the audience to learn about his experience and solutions to the problems of technical challenges in the creation process and the social barriers to the adoption of innovation.

We look forward to welcoming you to our event and community.


Mathew M. Dyer
Organization committee chair
Florida Technology Solutions Summit, LTD.


Lightning capital resident here :person_raising_hand:

Would love to attend. When + where is this taking place?

Any links to the event?

Thank you for the invitation but I have to decline.

I made the decision in 2017 to stop participating in events as speaker or as attendee.

Best regards.

After searching online, I found your post explaining the reasons for your departure. I understand better now.

If you ever reconsider, the invitation stands and our doors remain open to you.

I wish you the very best.


Mathew M. Dyer
Organization committee chair
Florida Technology Solutions Summit, LTD.

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Would you be open to a periodic livestream? Maybe with a superchat to make it worth you time?

That could be an alternative.

I’m also open to meet with a small group of people in public spaces for coffee or a small talk regarding Mayan or other topics.

I’ll be in South Carolina for 10 days near the end of January if anybody wants to meet.


:astonished: You still in SC?!

Where you at? Would love to meet and chat about Mayan and stuff.

I was in Columbia, currently Summerville, and final job is in North Charleston.

I can meet after work hours the rest of this week (24th - 26th) and most of the day on Saturday (27th). I can find my way in most of Berkeley County and Charleston County if you are in those areas.

After that I’m getting ready to fly back to Puerto Rico and on to the next on-site Mayan jobs.

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Sent you an email. Let me know if you can make it.


Actually I think this is something that should be shared with the community at large. I’ll make a new post.