Problems with upgrade to 4.9

Hey everyone,

first of all thank you for this new release!

I encountered different problems during the upgrade process:

  1. The upgrade from rabbitmq from 3.13 to 4.0 requires an additional step: Execute rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all inside the rabbitmq container before you shut down the container stack before the upgrade. See Upgrading RabbitMQ | RabbitMQ for more information.
  2. I get some errors upon upgrading my workflows: AttributeError: ‘Workflow’ object has no attribute ‘get_state_initial’. I read in the release notes that workflows need to have an initial state before they can be initialized but I did not expect that it also causes an upgrade to fail. I will check my workflows and try the upgrade again. EDIT: My workflows all have an initial status set. So this might be a bug?
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Ok, I finally upgraded successfully. Most likely the problem was, that I had documents for which workflows were not yet started. I tried to start the workflows with the corresponding tool but the workflows were still not started so I had to start them manually which worked. Luckily there were only about 20 documents so it was ok to do that manually.

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Improved the workflow migration 0037 to handle this edge. New release build pipeline is already running and he new version will be available in a few hours.

Thank for the report!