Out of memory

Hi @roberto.rosario well to the good jobs you’ve been doing thus for this community. I have 8GB RAM with 100GB hard drive space.
However I get the below error.


Thanks for the feedback.

This is showing only that a celery process what killed by the operating system out of memory killer (OOM). Besides that there is not much to go on.

Can you post the Docker Compose logs at the moment the process is killed?

docker compose logs -f 

Are you using the Docker Compose installation?
Are you using the single container or the multi container mode?
Are there other programs running on this host with Mayan?
What was the operation in Mayan that caused the out of memory issue?

  1. No I’m using the docker swarm method
  2. No other programs is running on the host aside the Mayan Application
  3. This happen during upload of document by more than 2 people simultaneously.

I don’t know if there’s need to change the redis parameter ? or the db: "command:
- “postgres”
- “-c”
- “default_statistics_target=200”
- “-c”
- “maintenance_work_mem=128MB”
- “-c”
- “shared_buffers=512MB”
- “-c”
- “work_mem=32MB” needs to be reconfigured.

Hi @roberto.rosario I notices that the edms always show "edms-node2 | chown: changing ownership of ‘/var/lib/mayan’: Operation not permitted " when ever I check the “docker service logs edms_app” on my other nodes aside the master node in the docker swarm instance.

How do I solve this error?

Hi @roberto.rosario I notices that the edms always show "edms-node2 | chown: changing ownership of ‘/var/lib/mayan’: Operation not permitted " when ever I check the “docker service logs edms_app” on my other nodes aside the master node in the docker swarm instance.
How do I solve this error?

Under normal installation using Docker Compose these issues do not occur. My guess is that this is an artifact of using Docker Swarm with some sort of shared storage.

Docker Swam has not received as much attention and has some known performance and memory issues. There are also issues with storage and communication using the overlay network. These could be the source of the problems you are experiencing. These issues are referenced at the end of the Knowledge base article:

Deploying Mayan EDMS on Docker Swarm