Libro Exploring Mayan EDMS en español / Exploring Mayan EDMS book in Spanish

Buenos dias:

He adquirido el libro Exploring Mayan EDMS y, para mi uso personal, con la traducción de DeepL gratuita y fraccionando el libro, lo he traducido al español.

Si el autor del libro (y solo el) está interesado, que me indique como hacerle llegar el docx del libro traducido al español para su uso.

He intentado contactar directamente, pero no he encontrado la manera.

Espero noticias. Saludos.

Good morning:

I have acquired the book Exploring Mayan EDMS and, for my personal use, with the translation of DeepL free and fractioning the book, I have translated it into Spanish.

If the author of the book (and only him) is interested, please let me know how to send him the docx of the book translated into Spanish for his use.

I have tried to contact him directly, but I have not found the way.

I look forward to hearing from you. Regards.


I want to buy this book, but the link to the website for purchasing this book has been inaccessible. I don’t know where to buy it?

The book was released in 2019 and was discontinued.

It was a good start and I learned a lot from the experiencing of self publishing a technical book.

The book had some drawbacks. Namely that it is static and needs to be updated and re-released for each version of Mayan EDMS.

From the book supporters themselves came the idea of an electronic version of the book that would always be up to date and have new content periodically without having to re purchase the entire book for each version. The Knowledge Base is the culmination of that idea.

The Knowledge Base goes beyond the book to also include tutorials. Since it is written using MarkDown it is easier to also include diagrams and illustrations which do not translate well into a black and white PDF in print book format.

Here is an example free article from the Knowledge Base: Integrating the Brother ADS-2800W scanner with TrueNAS and Mayan EDMS

You can join the Knowledge Base by following link: Mayan EDMS community forum

Hola Buenas tardes gagomezdevesa

Seria tan amable de compartime el documento en espanol.

Saludos cordiales,

Si roberto.rosario me autoriza, no tengo ningún inconveniente en compartir la traducción.