Exception determining page count using Pillow; cannot identify image file

Hi guy’s,

I’m new to Mayan and EDMS in general and i’m checking this out for (hopefully) use at work.
The goal is to sort out and make technical documentation searchable.
Used docker compose to install on a Kubuntu 24.04 VM and ran in to a little snag, a .eml file is not recognisable and i have some .txt files having the same issue.

Using :
Version 4.8.3
Build number: v4.8.3_Fri Oct 4 01:33:39 2024 -0400
Libreoffice is also installed and up-to-date.

It seems that the problem could be related to text lines starting with < if i remove those from the lines the text file can be read by Mayan without issue.
Simply doing a new save as or changing something small in the file and save as doesn’t help.
I can send the text file so you can test this but can’t seem to attach it to this post.

Or maybe i missed something somewhere ?
English isn’t my native language so forgive the spelling errors.

Let me know if i can do anything else to get to the bottom of this.



Hmm, nobody had ever had this issue or is it a known issue ?
To be honest i was hoping for atleast 1 response even if it’s a response telling me it’s all because of my setup or …
Maybe someone in here is willing to my offending text file a try in their system ?

If i pdf the text file i can upload it without any issue, if i save the .txt as an .odt i get no errors, if i copy/paste the text to another .txt file i get thesame error…could this be related to the handling of a simple .txt ?


Hoping for some response :slight_smile: