I configured lots of document types. When using the advanced search I can find all of them by tpying the document label in the search field by. This works for all types (i.e. order, delivery, payment, …) except for one: AGB (which is GTC in German).
Found the solution by myself: a rebuild of the search index seems to help.
The search index seemed to be ok, the error seems to occure if there are too many results found.
While rebuilding, when there were just a few documents available, then the error did not accure (because the search result set was small enough).
Now after the index was rebuilt for ~700 GTC documents, the error re-occured
When giving some more search criteria like a combination of metadata / filenames, then the error also does not occure
Could someone explain this behaviour? Where exactly is the limit? Why do not all search results show up - even if there are > 100 (in may case: “Show all documents of that type”)? The search results are paged anyways to not show up too many at once?