I noticed that the developments of Mayan are centered on @roberto.rosario . Not only the initial conception and execution, but all the features as well. I am interested in collaborating on the development of plugins and/or other improvements related to document secrecy, which is part of my doctoral work. Is there a possibility for this? Would a more concrete partnership be possible?
Can you clarify the question or the point you’re trying to make? I don’t want to jump to conclusions just yet.
I agree with @Welli seems nothing gets done until it has the “royal seal of approval” from @roberto.rosario; this is very concerning. If Mayan is ever going to become an alternative to greedy companies it needs to be flexible and open. I’m thankful for the efforts of the team but they’ve taken the project down a path that follow greedy companies. It time for a change and build back Mayan to it roots as open source only. The team need to step down to make way for progress.
Don’t see an issue with that, he’s done a great job.
I am interested in collaborating on the development of plugins and/or other improvements related to document secrecy, which is part of my doctoral work.
Sure thing! Feel free to go right ahead! The code is available to use and modify.
Would a more concrete partnership be possible?
I sure hope this is a paid partnership. Outsiders looking for free partnership with open-source projects usually mean one or more things:
- They want the code customized without putting in much (or any) effort.
- They want to push the code in their specific industry and need the participation of core devs to validate themselves among other competitors. Usually with no upside to the core devs.
Thank you very much for your response, @grandfundaytoday grand. I would like to share some insights that might clarify our perspective and interest @npc-picky .
I am a PhD student, focused on the secrecy of digital documents (in Computer Science), which deeply aligns with the core functionalities of EDMS.
We have explored several open-source EDMS solutions, and have found Mayan EDMS to be particularly compelling. Its robustness, capabilities, history, and its status as an actively developed open-source project truly stand out.
Our Security Computer Laboratory (LabSEC) has an important history with digital documents in Brazil, and the world. I would like to collaborate to enhance the document management landscape. This collaboration could also benefit my research and development.
At present, we are seeking an open-source EDMS that we can adopt and adapt to integrate and enhance our visions, and also to understand yours, especially those that can augment existing document management systems. This requires a platform we can trust and believe in.
While we have reviewed your documentation, we believe that a more interactive approach, such as a video chat, would greatly enhance our understanding and facilitate a more informed decision-making process.
Establishing a solid collaboration could significantly assist us in making the most appropriate choices for our needs. It would also increase our confidence in promoting Mayan to companies that turn to us for guidance.
Moreover, it would ensure that we are well-equipped to implement any necessary enhancements or plugins, whether they are specific to our contexts or more broadly applicable, especially since the developer community around Mayan is still limited.
I am readily available for further discussions or to address any questions you might have.
My email: wellington.fernandes@posgrad.ufsc.br
It’s great to see your interest in collaborating on the development of plugins or improvements related to document secrecy, especially in the context of your doctoral work. Given that the development of Mayan seems to be centered around @roberto.rosario, it would be a good idea to start by reaching out to them directly, expressing your interest in contributing and outlining the specific features or improvements you have in mind