Disable anonymous login


I’m using version 4.6.3 and just notice that when I copy a URL of a document then logout. I enter the copied URL to the browser and I was login as “anonymous” user. Can I disable this behavior somewhere? I want to show the login page right the way instead of asking user to logout as “anonymous” and login again.


I was not able to replicate this. Can you post a screenshot?

By default anonymous users are not allowed via the user interface. Any non authenticated request is redirected to the login screen.

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Hi @roberto.rosario

I record a video to show you clearer: https://youtu.be/ORO-dnfBL4g

It’ strange to me also because I didn’t try to enable anonymous login or anything. I just noticed that when my DMS was on version 4.5.x, it didn’t happen. But when upgrade to 4.6.x and recently paste the link, I saw this issue.

I was thinking of trying what you wrote here but not sure if it’s still valid: [Mayan EDMS: 498] Allowing anonymous/guest document uploads

Thanks a lot for the video!

Anonymous user support was removed in 2015. The implementation basically disabled authentication and the permission system. It was misunderstood and used improperly which lead to incorrect reports about Mayan being insecure.

I think what you are seeing is related to an issue with Django’s JavaScript translation catalog that was solved in versions 4.4.14, 4.5.11, and 4.6.3. This issue raises a JavaScript error which by the languages nature stopped all other code from executing even if not related. This disabled the automatic redirect to the authentication view on anonymous access. Since you are in the 4.6 series now, upgrade to version 4.6.3 or greater and test again.

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Thanks @roberto.rosario. The DMS version that shows the issue, in my video, is 4.6.3. I’ll try to upgrade it to 4.6.4 and see if it resolves my case.

In case it doesn’t, I think I need to install the DMS to a new server. But I wonder if there is a way to migrate the data over the new server easily? Like workflows, document types, metadata types, etc since they take some time to set up.

This is very important feature why was it removed?