Choosing a DMS for my private use

Hello to everyone,

I;m looking for a proper FOSS DMS for my private purpose. It should have proper capture like IMAP, scanner, server folders. I want it to organize the documents in system folders. I also want to keep track of expenses and invoices. It should be able to combine documents into packets.

I’ve already set up an instance of Paperless-ngx, but somehow I’m not really getting used to it. The Kindergarten UI somehow doesn’t appeal to me. I think the Mayan EDMS design is better - but the Community Edition is quite rudimentary, and current versions only run in Docker. Personally, I’m not a fan of all the Docker stuff…

It should then either be able to run in a FreeBSD jail (under TrueNas), or natively on an RPi 4.

What are the differences between the Community Edition and the Professional Editions (level 1-4)?

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I;m looking for a proper FOSS DMS for my private purpose.

If you are looking to host a small set of documents Mayan is not the best choice.

It should have proper capture like IMAP, scanner, server folders.

This is fully supported.

I want it to organize the documents in system folders.

Mayan support cabinets and indexes. Both can be exposed as a virtual drive. However organizing documents in using OS folders is not supported.

I also want to keep track of expenses and invoices.

Mayan is document format agnostic an can handle invoices. However it cannot track expenses, that is done by accounting systems.

It should be able to combine documents into packets.

You can download multiple documents as a single zip file.

I think the Mayan EDMS design is better - but the Community Edition is quite rudimentary, and current versions only run in Docker.

What are the differences between the Community Edition and the Professional Editions (level 1-4)?

There hasn’t been a professional edition in many years. It was an experiment but keeping multiple version at the same time was a lot of work. The professional edition was retired and all features were merged into the only version, the free version.

Personally, I’m not a fan of all the Docker stuff…

Mayan has a lot of dependencies and this is why we stopped supporting direct installations. Failed direct installs was the biggest source of issues and complaints.

It should then either be able to run in a FreeBSD jail (under TrueNas), or natively on an RPi 4.

The minimum requirement of Mayan is an amd64 CPU with 4GB of RAM and an OS that has good support for Docker.