Choose what metadata to show on the document preview

Hi all, is there an option to hide a metadata type from the preview pane / lists?

Using ACLS is not an option for me as i want the user to be able to see the data, but not on the front screen,

A feature like a checkbox to decide if the metadata is visible from outside the metadata page would be interesting.




Just wanted to second this. If you have a lot of metadata it really is too much to show all of it in the search results.

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This has been requested before but we have not added this because this assumes there is only one user in the system.

Unlike something like a Source or Workflow configuration which is only under the control and visibility of staff users, metadata widgets are informative and meant to be used by both staff and non-staff users. A single visibility checkbox does not cover all possible scenarios and preferences for all users and staff.

One user might not want to see the metadata in the document card but for another, that metadata is essential when selecting a document from a list. The same applies to every widget in the document card like tags, cabinet, the document label itself, the type, and even the preview itself.

Any solution must take into account all scenarios not just a hard hiding option. Mayan does not target home or single user installations the primary environment is multi user so any change must benefit all user preferences.

The other issue is that a change of state might make changing the visibility a necessity. A metadata might not be need to be visible when empty but must be visible when it has a value. Or must be hidden for a state of the workflow but visible on another state. Or is hidden for a document type but must be shown for another document type. In this last scenario alone a single checkbox would break the usage.

We continue researching solutions and design ideas, we have some candidates but they need to be fully tested in large experiment to also avoid performance penalties associated with dynamic behaviors. When we find or validate one that fulfills those requirements it will be added in the next minor release.

Thanks for the request.


Can I make a related request. Right now the Meta Data Fields are all Center Justified on the Preview Lists. Could we have an option to Left Justify them?


Hi Roberto,

was thinking in the visibility defenition being done at the metadata setup level not at a user level. it would be a property of the metadata to be visible or not at the front page and it wpuld not be iser Configurable



Will check to see how it looks and make it an option.

In the future please open a separate topic for related discussions.

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was thinking in the visibility defenition being done at the metadata setup level not at a user level. it would be a property of the metadata to be visible or not at the front page and it wpuld not be iser Configurable

Yes, this is what I said. It should be a in the metadata definition but needs to be something that works for all users preferences and needs. Mayan is not a single user system.

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Will do! Thank you for looking into this.

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