Change default font order


Mayan uses default fonts in its css as follows (as per my fairly new experience)

font-family: “Lato”,“Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;

This font order makes it impossible to display Arabic language (characters appear as squares)

I know that I can change this using application theme feature, but I couldn’t force the custom theme to be the default theme for users, hence users cannot reach the menu to change themes themselves. further more, I’m using LDAP integration so users are created automatically so I cannot change the locale individually for each user.

My question: Is there a way to either enforce a default theme or to override the font order in the current theme.



Will look into this. Thanks.

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enforcing or defaulting a custom theme may help a lot with the design elements related to languages (like fonts, right-to-left text alignment, font sizing, browser specific compatibilities…etc)


Good day,

has there been any update on this as yet?

has there been any update on this as yet?

Have not been able to replicate this issue. All test documents in Arabic render correctly.

Alright thanks for your response, is there a way to make my custom theme default across all users?

Themes are a user preference. If you want to make a theme the default, you’ll need to do so at the code level by modifying the root.html template in the appearance app and create your own custom Docker image.

Alright thanks much for your timely response

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