We spent close to a week diagnosing Mayan problems with our clients. The problem turned out to be caused by the rolling release nature of the Docker image that cause some of our customers to have one version while others had a different version.
Images must be the same everything they are downloaded.
Fix this as it is causing all manner of issues and is making us reconsider our decision to use Mayan.
For inmutable images use the ones with the ‘v’ prefix. Images with the ‘s’ prefix are mutable and are aliases to the latest bug fix release of the series.
The Docker image tagging layout has been updated to differentiate between released versions and series. Series have the ‘s’ prefix and versions have the ‘v’ prefix. The version 4.0 image will have the tags v4.0 and s4. The version 4.1 image will have the tags v4.1 and s4. This change will allow users to have their deployments pinned to a specific version or to a specific series instead of relying on the “latest” tag.
Documented in the 4.0 version release notes.
Images must be the same everything they are downloaded.
They are, you are probably using the wrong image tag.
Fix this as it is causing all manner of issues and is making us reconsider our decision to use Mayan.
I checked and could not find a support agreement for your company’s email address. Without a support agreement it is up to you to solve the issue for you and your customers.
That’s great. What is the process to fix this issue? We have close to 900 customer installations. It is impossible to fix them all by hand and is causing us to lose money answering each customer when they complain. Why Mayan does not provide any automation features for this problem?