Automatic Document Numbering


I am new to Mayan EDMS, previously we used knowledgetree that stopped opensource support 10 years ago.

I love Mayan EDMS, but there is one thing I can not figure out. Automatic Document Numbering, or Document ID.

Every physical document we have we would scan it and than upload to DMS. With every document we scan we would get Document ID, that would incrementally increase. And we would store our physical documents in document binder with the ID number. So binder would have numbers 1 - 150, second binder 151 - 375, etc. So when I need physical document I would find it in DMS and with ID number easily find it in the binder.

Is there way that every time I upload new document Document ID (Index Number, metadata number) number would incrementally increase so I can use it for this purpose?

Thank you!