Advanced search for subcabinets

Im trying to narrow my search down to specific subcabinets using the advanced search.
As an example I have 2 subcabinets “Client1 / Invoices” and “Client2 / Invoices”.
I want to apply my other advanced search parameters to items in “Client1 / Invoices” but when I search for Client1 / Invoices nothing shows up.
I can search for “Client1” and get all items in Client1 (Not items from the subcabinets), the same for “Client2”. I can also search for just “Invoices” and get “Client1 / Invoices” and “Client2 / Invoices”, but searching for “Client1 / Invoices” returns nothing. I have tried with and without whitespaces, I have tried “Client1 AND Invoices” etc. nothing seems to return my desired result.
Is this possible in mayan and if yes how would i be able to achieve this?

And yes I am aware that there are workaround for the specific usecase i presented, like making the invoice the document type and the Client the Cabinet. I would still like to know in general if you can search for subcabinets