User Manual for beginner

Forgive me if I chime in here. I am trying to get used to Mayan for quite some time now, but haven’t managed to get a productive installation up and running. Installing is no problem using docker but I have the same problems like Marcs here.
I can’t use an approach like > Once you figure out your documents types, everything falls into place.
I am doing this for a non-profit organization in health business. I have to present some kind of ‘corset’ that is easy to understand for beginners (our employees) that are - to say the least - not computer savvy.
It would be nice to have some kind of example-installation that shows at least the basic principles. Yes, Mayan is a mighty tool, but if it is so hard to get a basic installation running then it feels like banana-ware for the end-users and those that are in charge of implementing it will be the ones that will be blamed for it…