Search result modification to always look for condition

Hello and thank you for reading.

I am running a Mayan-EDMS 4.4 instance with docker-compose with some changes. One of them is a change to the “cabinets”-model where I added a bool attribute called “isAkt”. Cabinets with this attribute on True are in some situations treated differently by my Mayan Instance (intentionally).

So I am looking to add an additional search model for cabinets which apply to the condition that “isAkt” is True (on default - There should be no way for the user to decide, since there is the old SearchModel which should eventually only give results with “isAkt” on False). What I did is add another SearchModel in the “”-File in the cabinets app and basically cloned the cabinets SearchModel.

That worked pretty well but the results are obviously the same as if I were to search for any ordinary cabinet.

So the actual question would be: How can I change the SearchModel (result of it) to only show cabinets with the “isAkt” variable on True? It should use the default Cabinet model but I need some line where I can filter the result or filter the queryset that is being searched. I can not find anything in the code that leads me to such a spot, but I also dont know what I am exactly looking for (sadly I am rather new to Django).

I am very much looking forward for any help regarding my issue.

Thank you very much.