When using Mayan 4.1 (standalone - no docker installation) I had SOURCES set for folders that was shared with samba to network. Scanner was scanning to that shared folder and Mayan automaticly - every 60 seconds - prosessed that folder. It was working and was very simple.
Since Mayan become container I can make this work.
When I install samba on host machine (outside container) I can mount share from container shell. I have samba client installed but i just can t mount it without any error
When I install samba inside container it installs ok but samba not start … no error, no start.
How can I give mayan container access to folder on host computer?
You need to put it in your docker-compose.yml file. There are two example lines in the default file. Just search for the first occurrence of “volumes:” in the file. If you don’t know which containers are affected by this change you should just restart the whole stack after the change.
For security reasons the user inside the Mayan EDMS container has no right on the files in the system. In addition to the mount you need to grant the Mayan EDMS user the Read + eXecute permissions on the systems files.