Mayan-edms changes with docker volumes

Hello Roberto, thanks for the replay! I know about that I need to rebuild de container and re create the image if I do changes to the docker-compose.yml

What I want to do is bind the mayan folder I have locally (which has apps, urls, etc) with the one on the docker, in order for the docker to use the one I have locally (which has changes in the model, etc)

Here is my docker-compose.yml, it creates the image fine, and also the container, apparently the volumes are created fine too, but when I go to localhost:80 it wont open, y says that “the connection has been reset” but I know its a problem with the config of the volume (because the default image opened mayan-edms just fine)

version: ‘3.9’

env_file: .env
MAYAN_CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: redis://:${MAYAN_REDIS_PASSWORD:-mayanredispassword}@redis:6379/1
MAYAN_DATABASES: “{‘default’:{‘ENGINE’:‘django.db.backends.postgresql’,‘NAME’:’${MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME:-mayan}’,‘PASSWORD’:’${MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD:-mayandbpass}’,‘USER’:’${MAYAN_DATABASE_USER:-mayan}’,‘HOST’:’${MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST:-postgresql}’}}”
MAYAN_LOCK_MANAGER_BACKEND: mayan.apps.lock_manager.backends.redis_lock.RedisLock
MAYAN_LOCK_MANAGER_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS: “{‘redis_url’:‘redis://:${MAYAN_REDIS_PASSWORD:-mayanredispassword}@redis:6379/2’}”
image: ${MAYAN_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME:-mayanedms/mayanedms}:${MAYAN_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG:-s4.3}
- mayan
restart: unless-stopped
- ${MAYAN_APP_VOLUME:-app}:/var/lib/mayan
- ./my_mayan:/opt/mayan-edms/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mayan ==> this is the only change I made the rest is the same
# Optional volumes to access external data like staging or watch folders
# - /opt/staging_folder:/staging_folder
# - /opt/watch_folder:/watch_folder