Emails are not sent from actions

Hi, I’m new to the product and trying to understand and evaluate in order to implement it in my infrastructure. I have 2 issues, probably unrelated…

  1. I have created a workflow for approving some documents, all actions work correctly, except the email message I need to have sent when the document is approved. I have already created a mail profile and it works when sending a test mail. The action I created is simple it runs on entry to approved state I set one email (static) in the Username list as subject I use {{ workflow_instance.document }} {{ workflow_instance.get_last_transition }} and for body {{ workflow_instance.get_last_log_entry }}. I also have 2 more atctions to move and change the document type and cabinet which work fine… I see no errors in any log whatsoever…
  2. Is there a way to restrict the last step of a workflow to a specific group or user? I tried to apply ACLs but I shot in the dark… If someone can provide a step by step guide for correctly setting permissions it would help A LOT!

Thank you and best regards
Gregoris Tsintaris