Change default primary language for new document


how can we change the default primary language while adding documents?
Or is it possible to change this global for all documents?

You can change the default document language with the setting:


To use it in your .env file prefix it with MAYAN_ as such:


Works here all exclusively with english documents?

No, the document language does not change any behavior in Mayan. It is only so far used as information and to help the OCR engine to select the best language data.

We cant change this setting for every single document manual, especially not from watch folders.
that is against the sense of the automation process (watchfolder).
Do we miss something?

While Mayan is very advanced it is impossible to predict every possible scenario it could encounter. If we learn of a scenario that is common, then we will add the necessary automation. The workflow engine can be used to inspect the text of a document. What we are missing is a workflow action to modify the language of the document. This can be done already by accessing the document properties directly but it is risky. We’ll work to determine if a dedicated action to change the language or one to change any property of the document will be the best addition.

I’ve found following:

The feature to add a default language to a scheduled source has not been added yet but still in the short term roadmap:

This feature would change the language for all documents of a watch folder. If you need to upload different document language, (when the feature is added) then you would need to create a different watch folder for each language.