Here are the features being considered for removal. Reasons are varied: not widespread use, have been replace with a general purpose one, are blocking important updates.
It is very likely these features will be removed but what we are looking for is feedback on the transition to their replacement, if any, and the timeline that will cause less disruption.
Our approach is to push these breaking changes on major versions but we hope to be able to push them in minor versions to make them available…
Which is why the idea was to obtain the feedback for a decision with major impact before the decision was made and changes took place.
Commenting after the code was changed and version 4.5 was released at a point when nothing can be done about it serves no useful purpose.
Open source devs are a special breed of humans. I would not have had the patience to answer this politely after a user completely misses the point and then a tires to gaslight me.